Books on Bikes Parade 2014
To celebrate the first day of summer vacation, Books on Bikes held a bike parade from Clark Elementary School to the Jefferson Madison Regional Library central branch in downtown Charlottesville. The bike parade was also the debut of our Books on Bikes cargo bikes. We picked them up from Blue Wheel Bicycles just days before…
We are Live!
Today is the day! Our Books on Bikes fundraising campaign has launched along with our amazing video, created with the help of Light House Studio. You’ve seen the photos and read about our day with Light House, now you get to see the result!
Books on Bikes
Welcome to Books on Bikes! Mary and Rebecca, Charlottesville City School librarians are excited to begin a project that will bring books to kids in Charlottesville, VA. The project has just begun and we have big ideas, big plans, and big dreams to create a successful literacy and community outreach program in the city of…